In January 2023, Fr. Paolo convened a group of volunteers to implement a new idea for Sacred Heart Parish. He proposed that the Parish host a free monthly dinner in the Parish Hall, open to anyone and everyone in the community. At the time, he shared a quotation from Mother Teresa: “The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved.”
Fr. Paolo’s proposal made an impression on me. While I had never participated in an event like this be- fore, I have often seen the power of hospitality to forge human connection. In particular, it reminded me of my childhood, when my older relatives hosted huge gatherings for family, friends, and neighbors. I wondered: what if all of Sacred Heart’s neighbors experienced our church as a loving home? What if they felt like part of a family here?
Since the Community Dinners began in March, I have had the good fortune to assist each time, and it has brought me great joy to observe the impact on many people, especially my fellow volunteers. At each dinner, a team of 25 people prepares and serves a hot meal for, on average, about a hundred peo- ple. This is a complex undertaking, and the whole process needs to come together quickly and effi- ciently. Under circumstances like this, it would be easy for tensions to rise, but, in fact, the Community Dinners have united the volunteers in a powerful sense of community and mission. Because we are working together towards a shared goal, we are always eager to help one another and make the project a success. We have developed a true camaraderie, and most volunteers continue to return month after month.
Overall, I would describe my experience with the Community Dinners as one of joy. Setup, cooking, and cleaning are not exciting in themselves, but it is exhilarating to see the reactions people have to the din- ners. Some people who come are elderly or have disabilities, and they do not have many opportunities to get out of the house. Others bring young children, who fill the Parish Hall with laughter and excitement. This is immensely satisfying and joyous to see.
If you are reading this, I would invite you to come and see the Community Dinners for yourself. Anyone is welcome to come and enjoy the meal, and, for those who would like to help out, there are opportuni- ties to join our team of volunteers. At the Community Dinners, you may find an experience of joy, as I certainly have.
Donations: $4,045 — Expenses: $3,806 (net surplus: +$239)
A big “Thank You” to all the ones who have donated to the Community Dinner: Sen. Lydia Edwards, Rep. Adrian Madaro, Counc. Gabriela Coletta, Cargo Ventures, and many anonymous parishioners. To donate to the community dinner, please click here.