Join us on Saturday, September 9, for our annual celebrate of the Feast of the Empire of the Holy Ghost. We begin with a mass at 4:00 p.m. with a special blessing at the end of Mass. Dinner follows at Spinelli's of East Boston.
This past March, we began a new ministry: the Monthly Community Dinner. The Dinner is held monthly from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on the second Wednesday. The goal of the dinner is to bring a diverse group of community members together over a hot meal. In these six months there’s been an outpouring of financial, physical and spiritual generosity: we have 25 volunteers who, on average, serve a meal to about 100 people each time. We have received several financial donations that have covered all our expenses, to the point that the project is self-sustained (see below). I want to thank all our volunteers and our donors for their generosity. The Community Dinners have been a real blessing for our parish! Here below you can find a reflection from Ann Dinsmore, a volunteer coordinator.